Some folks may remember when Adobe was on a spending spree, buying up companies left and right. I was happily using Macromedia's products when Adobe snatched them up and I found myself having to re-learn how to do what I did in Freehand now in Illustrator. So it doesn't really surprise me that Adobe now finds themselves in the cross-hairs of a company like Microsoft.
I'm not sure if this will change anything. After perfecting their creative suite, it appears that Adobe decided that they needed to bolster their annual sales by offering new suites every year. Sadly, the price tag for these suites are ridiculously high (even more so if you skipped a generation). And then there's the wonder of whether or not the suite you're about to drop a bundle on is going to be "obsolete" in a few months' time.
Is it any wonder that Microsoft is licking its chops at the prospect of acquiring this franchise?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost