Mary Blair was indeed a Disney legend. In addition to the works mentioned above, she designed an impressive mural for the lobby of the Contempora
ry Resort Hotel in Walt Disney World.
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Great, first they were making games into movies, now they're being adapted for legislatio
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Hey, if anybody needs some Monopoly money, I know a guy. He's got a top hat and a white mustache. You can't miss him.
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Science marches on! Time will tell if the experiment
ers at CERN have truly uncoverere
d an Earth-shat
tering discovery or if the results can be explained another way. Even by failing, we will have learned something. That's the beauty of science!
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I got an email today from Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, a virtual crawling to me on hands and knees where he tried to explain himself and convince me to come back.
The problem is, while I can understand his reasons, the simple math has not changed. And my reasons for leaving were that I would have to come up with more money for a service that simply was not fulfilling my expectatio
So, thanks, Reed. But no thanks.
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