Shortly after Christmas, some enterprising individual made a spam bot that would automatically search for email comment forms (like the one on my site) and use it to send data. Presumably, the same individual made this bot available to the hacking community and I found myself deluged with comments. A great majority of these comments were nothing but gibberish, made by folks who just like to mess with things. Many more were in a foreign language. A small amount were in English, but even those made little if any sense. I am not going to take the bait of any of these fishing expeditions. Until I come up with a means to verify the sincerity of the message and the messenger, the messages are being shunted off to a dead letter file where I can scan and delete at my leisure.
However, for those folks who truly want to get in touch with me, leave a message here and I'll respond to it here or (if you're lucky) via email.
Other topics for discussion - why do people get such pleasure out of digital vandalism of this sort?
Labels: spam