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Monday, April 16, 2007


More dangerous than a cell phone!

I want to just go on record as saying that I have never played Puzzlequest while driving. Though I've been tempted once or twice. While I was in the middle of the quest, it was unbelievable the pull that game had as I kept trying to finish the various quests in order to make my character strong enough to defeat the big villain. But now that I've finished the game, it doesn't seem to have the same pull for me. Sure, there are still a few side quests left to do, but the reward for completing the quests is no longer necessary. Who knows, maybe I'll start a new game just to see what happens when I do things differently.

But in the meantime, I've got another game to keep me occupied, Custom Robo Arena. It's a game where you have bipedal robots fight each other with a wide array of customizable attachments. True, these robots are only a few inches high and they fight in holographic arenas, but hey, it's still fighting robots - in 3D. Leaping and blasting are this game's main draw. It's got a story, but really, it's all about the fighting robots. Check it out.

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Have you seen this?


I wasted most of this morning on it already...
That game is evil!
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