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Monday, July 03, 2006


Game related injuries

One of the drawbacks of being as old as I am is that I'm not as limber as I used to be. Truth be told, I hurt myself by playing real football with my son, just throwing passes to him. Seems that I need to work into it a little more before I try to be John Elway. All this proves is I need to spend less time sitting behind a computer and more time outside. Now how to convince my boss of that?

By the way, some folks contacted me wanting to know more about that "skin" I made for my arcade machine. It's for a game launcher (also known as a "Front End") called MaLa that is designed to provide easy access to numerous applications that folks want to run on machines like the one I'm working on. I'm holding on to the one I made for the Gamecreature machine, but if you want one that's similar, you can click on the link on the Media page to get your own (it links to the MaLa website, so you can get a copy of that as well - it's pretty useless without it, really). I really got a kick out of making it and seeing it interact with the software. I'll definitely be making some more skins. Drop me a note in the comments section below or directly if you have any ideas or suggestions.

Arcade Update - Putting it Together
Things are really taking shape with the cabinet now. We've moved it upstairs and it actually plays games now. There's a few more things I needs to do before I can call it "finished." The plastic molding needs to be replaced and I want to put something in to replace the missing bezel. And the CPU is as slow as a slug (I think I've mentioned that before). At any rate, here's how it looks now (check out how it used to look here):

Wow, that looks sensational! Looks like the real thing -- heck, it IS the real thing! :D
You'll have to come over and give it a try sometime!
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