Hi, folks! I finally made it back online after having two weeks with no internet service. But it looks like everything is working now and I'll be returning to the regular schedule of
Gamecreature cartoons. It's been a busy two weeks - I'll fill you in soon. What have you been up to?
I finally saw the Transformers movie last night. Great special effects, mediocre writing and some really confusing editing. And in case you haven't heard, next year will see the release of the feature film based on the animated series based on the GI Joe action figures. So how does Hasbro celebrate? By treating their employees a free cup of (GI) Joe.
I think it's only a matter of time until
other toys go hollywood.
Speaking of Spirograph, who out there remembers that toy? The plastic wheels and bars, each with lots of tiny teeth, the four colored pens and the little book full of detailed instructions on how to recreate the pictures on your own. I had a set growing up. I remember the little piece of cardboard that you placed under your paper and pushed the push pins into so the wheels wouldn't slip. And if you weren't careful, you'd push the pen through the paper into the cardboard beneath.
In other news, this last week has been a bit hectic for me. We're in the process of moving and there was lots of frantic calling between various lenders, insurers and what not to get the closing to occur as planned. Now we're waiting for the movers to bring our stuff and then the real fun will begin.
Here's a few pictures from the new home. First, our back yard, the Connecticut River:

And here's a picture from down the road. Yes, that's a roller coaster.

Labels: GI Joe, Moving, Spirograph, Transformers